Kaia eve protiv eric dikkerson - kaia ga tera da svrši, i on mora da joj liže pazuhe i da se pokori njenim gadnim hirovima
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Каиа еве против ериц dikkerson - каиа га тера да сврши, и он мора да јој лиже пазухе и да се покори њеним гадним хировима
Eric Dikkersun is a giant compared to lil' Kaiia Eve. But Kaiia has been on fire in her matches. She's developed into one hell of a sex fighter. She knows how to score sex points against bigger oppone
Video Transcription
I'm Eric Dickerson. I'm also known as the River's End. I am 6'2", 190, fighting out of Las Vegas, Nevada.
I am the Booby Hunter Eve. I am 4'11", 125 pounds, fighting out of Las Vegas, Nevada.
It's been a while since I've been on the mats. None of the girls want to get washed away by my strength, and so I'm glad to be back.
This dude thinks that his size is going to dominate me and make him win.
He doesn't know how many skills I actually have to show him on the mat, and he's going to be taking a claw break.