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Lazy Procrastinator
Hey, I'm LazyProcrastinator, a lazy guy who does lazy 3D animations with Blender. I'll do just about any character if I feel like it, but I primarily work with Final Fantasy and Dead or Alive. Pixiv: For the record, I only have accounts here, pixiv, pixiv Fanbox, porn3dx, and a mostly inactive rule34 account. Any other site, it's not me unless I state otherwise here, along side those listed sites.
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The Lazy
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The Procrastinator
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Right now, there isn't a lot of benefit to supporting me. My content will still be posted publicly at my pixiv in addition to here. That said, I'll try to update supporters weekly with previews/teasers/updates, as well as generally more ramblings.
I will also see about holding polls that supporters can vote on to get an animation that is separate from my normal releases.
I'll be holding these polls every other week, so a total of two per month.
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The results are (not)shocking. Momiji won by a pretty large margin, as expected. Rachel actually got second place, which I'm a little surprised by, but I just chalk that up to the lack of Rachel in general causing more to vote for her. Ayane did get second in votes. Still, for those disappointed or the like, keep in mind I'm now doing 100 points = 1 animation for polls, so Ayane and Rachel will get an animation. And since Rachel is so close, I'll throw in a second as well. So Momiji = 3 animations, Rachel = 2 animations, Ayane = 1 animations. I'll also be doing a little bit more for this set, since I didn't have an animation set release this past poll. Just means I'll be doing some finishes and what have you. I have already started on stuff. One nice thing about the 100 points = 1 animation thing is that the moment someone hits 100 points, I can start animating. I did that sometimes anyway when it was clear who the winner was, but sometimes it was too close to call. But anyway, the point is I've started. Here's a small preview of Miji. I've gotta admit, I'm quite liking NuMiji. They did a good job with her. Makes me hopeful for future characters.
Anyway, I'm still a bit on the 'resting up' side of things after my Luna sets and am taking things slow still. That said, I'm gonna try to get something out this month, and I'm leaning towards a fairly random character. My Marie-Shuten model. It'll probably be a small set, but I just have an itch to do something more proper with her. So yeah, that'll hopefully be this month.
Past that... not sure. Gonna have a set for the April poll, but haven't fully figured out who it will be. I did roll the poll, and while I haven't rigged up the models, it's gonna be a Fighting Game 'J' set. And what I mean by that is I rolled King of Fighter's B. Jenet, Tekken's Jun Kazuma, and Street Fighter's Juri Han. RNGesus can be funny sometimes.
That's right, I've been releasing my animations for seven years now. I've been animating for longer than that, as I started well before I started releasing stuff, but still. Time flies. The very first thing I posted was a Lunafreya animation, hence the reason for the Luna focus. Various themes and ideas, with some unique animations and some returning familiar ones. I think this is officially my longest/biggest release to date. And, if you can believe it, this set was gonna be twice as big. I cut it down for my own sanity, and because there was zero shot I'd make it in time for today's release date. And even then, I cut it pretty close. Don't have a whole lot to say or talk about at this point - I'm not too sentimental about my anniversaries, so not much to say in that regard. As for the conent, my brain is mush, so I don't have a lot to say there either. Hopefully you all enjoy it. I'll be taking a bit of a break here in March to refresh my brain some. Not sure when or even what my next release will be, but it'll certainly be a more subdued set. ( = ⩊ = )
Also, the poll for the NG gals will be going up in a couple days. Just letting this post rock for a bit. x)
So yeah, end of the month and I'll have been posting my crap for seven years now. Time flies, time flies. I've... honestly not got a lot to say about it, really. Much like my 5th Anniversary, I don't have any particularly strong feelings about it. No wistful reminiscing about all the good times over the years. Just kind of is, at this point. I will thank you all for sticking with me and supporting me this long, though. I do greatly appreciate that. Never expected so many people would like my stuff as much as they do, and it's a humbling experience even to this day.
Anyway, there will be something special to celebrate. It won't be a Maiden Level Event like my 5th Anniversary, but it'll be a fairly substantial release. It's gonna be "Oops! All Luna", since that's who I started my 'career' with, so might as well celebrate a milestone with more. It'll be four full sets of differing themes. It was originally gonna be double what I ended up with, and if you saw the secret teaser for Christmas, you'll generally know the other four. The main thing is that I got lazy, busy, distracted with other projects, and other such stuff. Just how it be. The four themes will be as follows. The rainy car interior from the initial shot. Probably my favorite of the lot, since it's got the nicest vibe. The second will be the Yoga stuff that I teased like a year and a half ago now. This is probably my least favorite of the sets. I drew a lot of blanks on what to do to make it Yoga-ish. I honestly would have preferred to swap it to something else, but I already had a couple animations started from before and I figured I should utilize them. Considering how many blocks I hit trying to think of stuff for it, probably would have been better to swap it around. x) Next we've got a night jog sort of situation. It's a theme I've thought about since the SFM days, but never have made anything for it. Well, that changes seven years later, I guess. Pretty decent set, though nothing too amazing here. Just a solid all around set. Some familiar stuff shows up here, just because I'm lazy. Then the final set is another car set. But this one is a more racy attire for Luna with a different sort of vibe. This set I'm like... 50/50 on. Some good stuff, but also kinda mediocre stuff. Didn't end up as good as I would have liked, but I'm just mixed on this stuff in general. I stare at these things too long that I can't see the forest for the trees and get incapable of looking at them objectively and just notice all the little problems and gripes I have with them instead. It happens. x)
Anyway, that's the four sets. I will probably return to the other four themes at a future date, but no promises on when that will drop. I'll probably just work on them when I get the itch and then stealth drop them out of nowhere. Let them be a surprise. They will see the light of day, since I have a little work done for some of them. Not much, though. x)
Lastly, we've got the upcoming poll at the beginning of the year. This is one of the few times I decided to choose the characters as opposed to letting RNG do its things. For one reason. That's right, it'll be three of the new models from the redemakester of Ninja Gaiden 2. Ayane, Momiji, and Rachel. There's still a couple others from that game I could use, but I picked these three since I did DOA5 Kasumi a little while ago so I figured I'd let there be a little gap there. And then Irene is kind of... just there. I was kinda iffy on these models at first, seeing them in-game and what not. But with some tweaks and non-UE5 crust, they don't look bad. I've grown quite fond of the way Momiji in particular looks. Ayane is growing on me, as well. Both are like 'yeah, that's Momiji/Ayane' when I look at them in Blender, so that's good. Rachel... not bad but something's a little off about her. Then again I was never a huge fan in the first place. As for Kasumi... She doesn't look bad, but she doesn't scream Kasumi to me. Looks more like a cosplay of Kasumi than actually Kasumi. Also giving me Nanami vibes, but that's mostly the hair. I'm too used to ponytail Kasumi. But, all I can really say is that if we get an updated Nyotengu model, be it for Prism or possibly NG4, they better do their best. I won't stand for a DOA6 situation again. It better be good. ( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)
But yeah, I figure with the new 100 point = 1 animation system I've adopted, this would give these models a chance to get some content in the mean-time. I honestly wouldn't mind doing another full Momiji set with this model, but I don't want 2025 to just be a repeat of 2024... but it could still end up that way, I guess. I'll think about it some, but yeah, this will serve as a start for now.
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